As you can see, the identification process is . . . stumping me. If you know what any of the following are, I'd love to hear the answer!
#1. This looks like some parasitic something, growing on the leaves of a tree in the woods.
#2. This one just makes me itch. What's the caterpillar???
#3. I think this is some kind of maple. It is a sapling, so the bark isn't very helpful at this point.
#4. What kind of bee is on this common buttercup flower?
#5. This pinecone was at the base of the tree you can see in the background. I think it's a long leaf pine, but not sure. The needles are probably 8 inches long, clustered at the end of the branch.
#6. I think this is some kind of pea, but not sure.
#7. Boxelder beetle??? Otherwise, no idea.
Thanks for any expertise in identifying our finds for today!
I was told the caterpillar is a mourning cloak.