Friday, September 21, 2012


For today's assignment, we went outside and found three different insects to draw, and hopefully identify.  Initially, I just wasn't seeing much, except for ones that moved so fast I only saw a flash of "something" before they were gone.  And then I saw a tiny blue-ish-grey butterfly.  It danced in circles on a bit of grass before flitting off to find another piece.  When it opened its wings, I could see some light brown color.  As best as I could tell, it was a Hairstreak of some sort.  Later, though, I've wondered if it was a "Common Blue".  Any thoughts?

Next I saw a decent-sized "butterfly" on my black butterfly bush.  It had such long "tails" that at first I thought it was a black swallowtail.  But upon looking up "butterfly with long tail" on Google, I instantly realized it was the Long-Tailed Skipper.  It's body was quite velvety-looking, and sort of iridescent blue.  Quite pretty.

We have a plethora of wasps around our house.  Dear Husband is continually trying to combat them, but they always seem to make a come-back.  This one was happily drinking from the bird bath on the back porch.  He is quite pretty, but I certainly don't care to receive his sting!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Anna's Hummingbird

Daughter chose to document this little bird, which we had the privilege of watching for quite some time.  He was flitting all over the place, and just chattering up a storm with several females.  When he turned just right in the sunlight, we were able to see a flash of his irridescent colors.  He was beautiful!

Great Blue Heron

While at MacKerricher State Park in California, we saw a massive number of birds!  (See growing Life List of birds in the column on the right.)  One bird that my son enjoyed watching was the Great Blue Heron.  I think he was jealous of all the frogs that the bird was wading through at marsh's edge.  Son wanted SO BADLY to catch one of those big, bad boys!