For today's assignment, we went outside and found three different insects to draw, and hopefully identify. Initially, I just wasn't seeing much, except for ones that moved so fast I only saw a flash of "something" before they were gone. And then I saw a tiny blue-ish-grey butterfly. It danced in circles on a bit of grass before flitting off to find another piece. When it opened its wings, I could see some light brown color. As best as I could tell, it was a Hairstreak of some sort. Later, though, I've wondered if it was a "Common Blue". Any thoughts?
Next I saw a decent-sized "butterfly" on my black butterfly bush. It had such long "tails" that at first I thought it was a black swallowtail. But upon looking up "butterfly with long tail" on Google, I instantly realized it was the Long-Tailed Skipper. It's body was quite velvety-looking, and sort of iridescent blue. Quite pretty.
We have a plethora of wasps around our house. Dear Husband is continually trying to combat them, but they always seem to make a come-back. This one was happily drinking from the bird bath on the back porch. He is quite pretty, but I certainly don't care to receive his sting!